Artist Interviews 2024

LA Art Show 2024  
By Laura Siebold

The LA Art Show was on again. Filled with international artists and interactive projects, visitors were very likely to spend a full day at the Convention Center in Downtown LA in February. Even though the empty unfinished high-rise building close by had gained some sudden fame when it was vandalized by graffiti, and might have been the reason for some visitors to swing by, once you stepped into the Convention Center, the rich and diverse display of art and the accessibility of exhibiting artists made you forget about anything going on outside.

This year, the trend seemed to be interactive art. I listened to and watched the interactive audio-visual installation of Micha Kuechenhoff’s and Grant Rosen’s Artnwordz prints that can be opened via QR-code. The artist duo, whose interview you can find in the archives, also revealed their Berlin Wall mural – a playful take on an important historical event.

Other booths featured moving images, confined to a picture frame, photo collages, and artwork constituted of multiple canvases, evoking an optical illusion of depth at times.

Our featured and respected artist RISK also made an appearance.

Visitors of the art show were able to use a device where they entered any word, and received a print to take home, copying AI-based program generated artwork.

During the weekend, we discovered artists supporting a specific cause like Carlos Leal, a multi-talented rapper, actor, and photographer who documents flaws of the social system, loneliness, and homelessness in Los Angeles.

Marco Olivier, a sculptural artist based in South Africa and presented by Dagaro Ella Gallery , impressed us with his giant models of faces, with their eyes closed, and sculptures of human warriors. Carlos Leal and Marco Olivier are both featured in this issue.

Robert Vargas, a well-known Los Angeles artist who grew up in Boyle Heights, created a mural in live action during the fair titled “The World House”. The subjects were chosen by him onsite, creating a vibrant multicultural image, including a self-portrait. The public was in love. While I got a moment to congratulate Robert on finishing his mural, he sadly wasn’t available for an interview this issue.

Not surprisingly, Marylin Monroe made an appearance in the show; created from broken record pieces, she keeps her reputation as an ever-lasting inspiration for the art world.

In the spirit of this issue dedicated to art with a cause, it is worth mentioning that the LA Art Show showcased the non-profit “Building Bridges Art Exchange”. The organization is fostering cultural understanding through art by engaging artists, leaders, and supporters in its mission, creating a diverse international platform for creatives to connect.

To learn more about the non-profit organization that is based at Bergamot Station Arts Center in Santa Monica, CA, please visit


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