Welcome to Art Squat.
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Cover Artist

Helena B Klaus truly deserves to be our issue's Cover artist, and she deserves so much more. This fellow German lad, with her exceptional artistic talents, creates the MOST beautiful paintings! Inspired by the great Austrian painters such as Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt, she too has mastered how to craft interesting, emotional characters. Something that I find unique about her art is that she uses coffee to stain certain parts and so bring out the intensity of the image
I fell in love with her work the moment I saw it and I am so beyond happy that I get to share her work and her story with you, dear readers. Please enjoy our interview:
Helena Klaus
Featured Artists

Rey Fritsch

April Werle

Carlos Leal

David Nelson

Dean Rosenzweig

Guillermo Bert

Alexsandra De Pan

Iris Scott

Jeff Lavinsky

Tetiana Kalivoshko


Jim Mooijekind

Kalle Hellźen
What is an Art Squat and how did this journey begin?
Well, many many moons ago, circa 1999, my brother Michael Otto, who just prefers to be called Otto, was
friends with a guy named Andy who lived in a fourplex on Genesee ave. just south of Melrose, across from
Fairfax High school. Andy had told my brother that there was an empty two bedroom apartment on the second
level across from his and that the Landlord hadn't been seen in years and nobody was paying rent. He went
on to tel my brother that the empty unit was filled with junk that had to be cleared out but once that was
done, the space could be used as an art gallery. So, my brother and I and a few other friends, spent a few
days clearing out all the junk, and we put large locks on the doors so that nobody could enter without us.
There was no power in the unit that we occupied, so, whenever we had an art opening, Andy would run power
cables out his back window and into the empty unit. Collectively we came up with the name Art Squat for our
new gallery and we had some crazy raging parties. This went on for several years. The Landlord was never seen
or heard from. In fact, there was a garage behind the property that had a vintage car in it and boxes of
newspapers from the 80's.

Read the full Story about Art Squat's origins

 Svetlana Talabolina
 Camille Waldorf
 Plastikcomb Magazine

Previous Issues

Issue 1, May 2021
Issue 2, August 2021
Issue 3, December 2021
Issue 4, May 2022
Issue 5, September 2022
Issue 6, December 2022

Issue 7, May 2023

Issue 8, October 2023